Kelly L. Whaley

Hi, and welcome to my home page. I am an English teacher at Sussex Technical High School in Georgetown, Delaware. I teach 11th grade American Literature and 12th grade World Literature to students in the Criminal Justice, Children's Education, Cosmetology, and Health Professions technical areas. I enjoy my job very much.

In addition to teaching, I am currently working on a Masters of Instruction degree at the University of Delaware. In my free time, I enjoy gardening, cooking, and reading. My husband Scott and I have two children, Emily and Nicholas, who also keep us very busy. Choose an item below to learn more about where I teach and my classes.

11th Grade American literature

In order to ensure that what our students are learning is relevant in terms of their future career goals, their other academic classes, and their personal interests, integration is a major focus at Sussex Tech. For example, The eleventh graders take American history at the same time that they are taking American Literature; therefore, the history teacher and I work closely together to plan lessons that complement each other and also that allow the students to utilize their technical skills.

Below is a list of the literature that we study with the eleventh graders and the areas with which the literature is integrated.

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12th Grade English

The focus of twelfth grade English at Sussex Tech is World Literature. My seniors take Economics and Social Issues instead of World History, but I still integrate world history with my lessons. I also integrate with the students' technical areas, social issues, and, in one instance, science.

Below is a list of the literature that we study with the twelfth graders and the areas with which the literature is integrated.
  • Greek & Roman Mythology (history, all technical areas)
  • Frankenstein - Mary Shelley (history, science, criminal justice, health professions, cosmetology)
  • Macbeth - Shakespeare (history, criminal justice, health professions)
  • Various short stories (history and/or technical areas)

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Sussex Tech Exhibition of Mastery (S.T.E.M.)

A major focus in our curriculum for seniors is the exhibition of mastery project. Each senior must write a five - seven page formal research paper on a topic related to his/her technical area, construct a tangible product that illustrates the research, and make an oral presentation before a panel of judges. The panel of judges must consist of at least three people - the technical teacher, someone from the business community in that particular field, and one other person of the student's choosing. This project counts for 20% of the student's fourth quarter grade in both English and his/her technical area.

My job, as the English teacher, is to help the students focus their topics, guide them in their research, and grade the rough and final drafts of the paper. I also sit on many of their evaluation panels for the presentation phase.

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This webpage is owned by Kelly L. Whaley.